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Tena koutou

Welcome to Raphael House Kindergarten

We are a fully qualified Early Childhood Education Centre providing meaningful learning experiences for children aged 4 to 6 years.

About us

Our Rhythms

We provide a warm homelike environment surrounded by bush. Free play and learning is supported by strong daily and seasonal rhythms. 

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Strong partnership between home and Kindergarten creates a solid foundation for children's learning journeys in early childhood and beyond.


Our Curriculum

Steiner Waldorf pedagogy aims to support the development of the whole child and this principle guides teaching and learning at our Kindergarten.

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The Kindergarten is licensed for up to 50 children.

Our three classroom spaces - Pōhutukawa, Rimu and Kōwhai - are led by experienced teachers.

Our operating hours are 8:45am-2:45pm, from late January until mid December.

Tamariki attending the Kindergarten benefit from a seamless transition to Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School.

2024 Dates and events

26 January - Kindergarten Open Day for new entrants from 10am to 12pm

29 January - First day
6 February - Waitangi Day - CLOSED

8 February - Whānau Hui from 7pm to 9pm

28 March - Easter Festival

29 March - Good Friday - CLOSED

1 April - Easter Monday - CLOSED


25 April - ANZAC Day - CLOSED

27 April - Working Bee

3 June - King's Birthday - CLOSED

4 June - Whānau Hui from 7pm to 9pm

21 June - Matariki Festival

28 June - Matariki - CLOSED

20 July - Working Bee

27 September - Spring Festival

12 October - Working bee

28 October - Labour Day - CLOSED

10 November - School Food, Toy and Craft Fair

13 December - Summer Festival, Last Day

Education Review Office Report

The Education Review Office | Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga (ERO) is the New Zealand government’s external evaluation agency. ERO evaluates and reports on the education and care of learners in schools, kura, kohanga reo, puna reo, and early childhood services.

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